The brands shaking up SAAS on socialBy Lois

6 min read

In the last decade, SAAS has gone through a major glow up. Today’s big-hitters (e.g. Slack, Mailchimp, WeTransfer) have recognised that UX is about so much more than usability. They’ve put equal effort into building products that are beautifully designed and a joy to use. But while many of these software companies have succeeded in creating fun brands, how many have succeeded in creating fun content?

The brands shaking up SAAS on social is a customisable work management platform. And because it’s completely customisable, their target audience is wide.

So, how do you create content that speaks to everyone? built a strategy around the one thing that all their customers have in common: office culture.

Let’s look at their “good morning to the person who…” series on LinkedIn. They highlight the people in businesses who keep it all together, like the only person in the office who knows how to use a printer, or the sales rep that actually keeps the CRM up to date. It’s a pat on the back for these workplace heroes (and a lighthearted jab for the rest of us). Plus, it’s crazy simple to execute. No videos, no photos—it’s literally a sentence.

We also love their “Work BFF” series on TikTok. Short, 1-minute videos where work besties discuss things like workplace rituals and what it would be like if one of them became the other’s manager. It’s fun, it’s wholesome and it’s universally relatable.


Later’s content is made for social media managers, by social media managers (which certainly helps when you’re trying to sell social media management software)

On their Instagram, you’ll find everything from SMM’s as Ken jobs to summer self-care guides. They’ve also ‘meme-ified’ their blog content. You won’t see a faceless screen recording of Later’s website. Instead, they’ll post a funny video about what it feels like when one of your Reels tanks, and in the caption, invite you to read their “Ultimate Guide to Instagram Reels” (link in bio). They’re adapting their content for the channels they use, and having fun with it in the process.

The Later social team have also mastered the subtle art of self-deprecation. They aren’t afraid to point out social media manager’s toxic traits, like having a million tabs open at once, scrolling through social media as a break from your “work” social media and debriefing about product issues that they don’t have the skills to fix

It’s a risk to make fun of your target audience, but the comments on Later’s content prove it’s a risk that can pay off.

Often, people see B2B as a hurdle for content. But, if anything, B2B brands have an immediate advantage. You’re a business. They’re a business. A lot of the day-to-day experiences you have, and challenges you face, are similar to those of your audience. And because you both share this common ground, you don’t have to explain the joke. Instead, you can just have fun.

Dive deeper 🤿

Jeopardy, but make it product-focussed

Linktree’s “emoji combinations for X” is wonderfully simple (and fun)

꩜  HR cloud curate these hilarious retro training videos

Loom made an ad for their “cancelled meetings” candle

Insights from the team

Watch the video to hear our thoughts on: Professionalism when you're a people pleaser

In the pool with…Social Media Consultant, Christopher Cox

Christopher Cox is the Founder and Principal Consultant of C3 Media. He previously led social media efforts at KQED and Loom—creating content on everything from product tutorials to work culture. He’s currently based out of New York City.

👉 Follow Chris on Instagram and TikTok

How do you think TikTok (and TikTok culture) has had an impact on the way B2B/tech brands market themselves?

I think TikTok has completely changed how the B2B sector approaches marketing. Regardless of whether they are on TikTok themselves, short-form video is one of the most engaging forms of content across YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and even on LinkedIn.

Broadly, the video trends and conversations that originate on TikTok have a ripple effect across other platforms and audiences. Melding pop culture with marketing has now become the norm, leading B2B marketers to feel like they have to push the envelope more often to stay relevant. It’s definitely made it harder to grab people’s attention with pure sales-y content. We’ve become far more focused on bitesize pieces of entertainment and value.

What’s one thing you think brands get wrong about fun social content?

I think that if you’re focused on chasing trends and hype on social media for engagement's sake, make sure you aren’t forgetting why you’re asking audiences to provide that engagement. What does your brand offer that will provide value to them beyond a chuckle on their feed? Most brands can’t rely solely on trend jacking to achieve all their goals. So, it’s also important that you’re locking down additional streams of content to show variety and deliver your key messages.

Which piece of content did you have the most fun making for one of your clients?

This is a TikTok my consulting assistant Tamra and I made for fun for one of our clients, Scoop. I think it captures the resourcefulness of social media teams, because we thought of the idea as the Muni was pulling up and only had one chance to get everything in a single take. It ended up being Scoop’s most viral video. Creating content that feels fun, authentic, and spontaneous is the secret to success on TikTok.

What advice would you give to someone who’s a social media manager, but they’re camera shy?

I don’t think that every social media manager needs to get in front of the camera to be successful. If getting in front of the camera isn’t your passion, then you shouldn’t have to, especially if it wasn’t brought up as a core responsibility during your interview process.

BUT if you do have an interest in getting in front of the camera and don’t feel confident, I say it’s still worth giving it a try. You will improve over time! Consider this the beginning of your video portfolio. Have fun, don’t take it too seriously, and use your social media manager brain to test and iterate.

Content Idea of the Week 💡

Like Later did in this LinkedIn post, share your “humbling experiences as a ______” and ask your audience to share theirs in the comments.

Why don't you try and create something like this?

And that's all we've got on social SAAS. If you're struggling to convince your team to get playful, hopefully we've provided some inspiration for you!
